LCMS Matching Grant, New Beginnings awarded $10,000!
Thank you for your generosity and support! We now have $20,000 in our Deer River construction fund with your donations.
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is offering a matching grant program of up to $10,000 for pro-life efforts in areas where there is a sponsoring church. This matching grant will be offered for the next 3 years, an amazing fundraising opportunity for New Beginnings. First Evangelical Lutheran Church has graciously offered to sponsor New Beginnings in 2024. The LCMS accepted our grant proposal and we received $10,000, giving us a total of $20,000 for our Deer River construction project.
These funds will be used to complete the construction of the kitchen & community room at the Deer River center. We are excited about hosting educational classes, life skill trainings, youth outreach, staff trainings and more.
Thank you for your generosity & support!