The Need
As of July 1, we lost a significant grant from the State of Minnesota due to a pro-abortion shift in the state legislature. At the same time, we are experiencing a large increase in clients. The state grant represented a third of our operating budget. We need support through this transition to enable us to keep our doors open while we seek out new funding sources.
The Opportunity
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod is offering a matching grant program of up to $50,000 for pro-life efforts in areas where there is a sponsoring church. Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Cohasset has graciously offered to sponsor New Beginnings for this grant opportunity.
Your Part
We will know sometime this summer if our grant application will be accepted. If so, we will need to raise up to $50,000 for the matching portion of the grant no later than August 27th. As of now, we are halfway to our goal. If the grant isn’t funded, we are still in need of donations to make up the operating funds lost when the State of Minnesota withdrew their funding.
How to Give
Donate here on the website to the General Fund with “Matching Grant” in the notes/memo.
Mail or drop off your donation at either of the New Beginnings locations with “Matching Grant” in the memo. Our mailing address is PO Box 213, Grand Rapids, MN 55744.
Mail your check made out to Our Redeemer and marked “Matching Grant” to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, PO Box 8, Cohasset, MN 55721.